Skype Fun

Last Update: March 12, 2010

For those who use Skype:

 Just type in the words in brackets to see what happens -

(bandit) The bandit Skype hidden smiley
(bug) The bug Skype hidden smiley
(drunk) The drunk Skype hidden smiley
(finger) The FU Skype hidden smiley
(fubar) The FUBAR Skype hidden smiley
(headbang) The headbang Skype hidden smiley
(mooning) The mooning Skype hidden smiley
(poolparty) The pool party Skype hidden smiley
(rock) The rock out Skype hidden smiley
(smoking) or (ci) The smoking Skype hidden smiley
(heidy) The furry Skype hidden smiley
(swear) The swearing Skype hidden smiley
(tmi) The TMI Skype hidden smiley
(toivo) The toivo Skype hidden smiley

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