X Header Pro - Software Review

Last Update: April 22, 2010

XHeader has been available for free to those who purchased X-Site Pro website building software and to those who have been involved in any way with Paul Smithson the Internet marketer.

Basically, you got a few templates to make headers for your website.  You could even download 500 extra headers if you signed up to Paul's email newsletters.

The success behind X-Site Pro has been phenomenal with sales going through the roof and most Internet marketers using this software if they're not using Wordpress or using it as well as Wordpress, like myself.

There is now a paid-for version of XHeader, which he's called XHeader Pro.  It now has a more niche subjects covered and an amazing 5000 header templates for you to choose from.

The great thing is, you can alter anything on each template to make it totally unique so, no need to worry that your site will look like someone else's does.

You can elect to start with a blank and build your header up from there in any size, text font and use any image you have on your hard drive.  There are special effects to add, too.

The software is very simple to use and creates top quality headers for your web pages.

I have one site that rotates the headers to give the same message but different view of my local area where I used XHeader Pro to create all of five different scenes.  It took me just a few minutes to have them all up and rotating on the site, live (http://PooleCommunity.com).

There are video tutorials, frequently asked questions, a knowledgebase and a ticket system to help you get along with the software.

The price is $47.00 at time of writing but may be different once all the initial promotions are over, so hurry now if you'd like to have yourself a copy.  I believe there is also a trial version if you'd like to test it out for yourself beforehand.

A complete PDF manual is available if, like me, you like a hard copy to refer to rather than try and focus on the on-screen versions that are hard to work with.

I find that themes and ready-made sites never have exactly what you're looking for header wise and so you either have to put up with it and have the same as everyone else or, at last, start using X Header Pro which is easy to use and using it, you can come up with some fantastic designs and effects.

You can even start offering the 'header making' service to your own customers and start earning some money.

Full marks to Paul Smithson for this piece of software, it's faultless and does what it says, makes really good headers for your web sites and blogs.
Recommended: X Header Pro (with free trial)

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