24 hrs of upgrades!

Last Update: August 23, 2011

The past day has been extremely busy, and much more productive than I could have imagined. I have successfully done an complete overhaul of my sites graphics, theme, layout and structure.

Props to dataplextech, Kyle, Carson, behealthy and plenty of others for all of their great help.

Do have a look at my site, and maybe even read something.


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Behealthy Premium
Good going Marvin. Well done.
IveTriedThat Premium
The site looks great. Well done!
dataplextech Premium
Wow were you busy! It turned out great. I'm impressed.
Marvin Premium
Thanks, Barnabus! I appreciate your encouragement. I'm gonna check your site, too. I like to learn what everyone else is interested in and promoting. And thanks for the GOLD! :D
Barnabus Premium
I visited your website TheReasonsToBeAVegan.com just now and it is nicely structured, informative, no-pressure,honest and has a nice clean appearance. Keep up the good work, and I wish you the best of success with it. I'm tossing in a piece or two of gold for your effort. Peace