A Deep Breath

Last Update: September 26, 2011

Hi WA Family! I feel great. Yesterday I was feeling depressed about my IM progress so far, my lack of true understanding about Keywords and the fact I have yet to make a single sale. Some kind people (suspect it's WA peeps doing me a favor) have clicked ads on my sites for a few bucks worth, but that's it. Well, dataplextech was kind enough to coach me on a few things to the point I couldn't stop thinking about my IM endeavors. It is nearly 2 am here where I live and I just finished re-writing the landing page for my as yet built new site. I got the SEO setup as best I can without software, planned the pages, outlined the content, brainstormed a logo schematic or two and thought of a tag line! I might be wrong, but I think I'm correct, to let my site simmer with it's SEO'd landing page even though there is no content. Maybe toss some articles at it so Google believes it is for real. I'll be launching the blog posts for the site probably today (after a few hours shut-eye) and then, the sky! If you want a sneak peak of what it's all about have a look at VeganFoodList.org

I also made a major overhaul to the graphics on TheReasonsToBeAVegan.com. In the morning I'll be re-writing my landing page there and going whole-hog (veggie-hog, to be clear) on blasting the web with articles pointing to it. I've made a few mistakes but there is always someone here to put my bootstraps in my hands, give a holler and a whoop and kick me in the backside. Sitting down is for former IMers.

And finally, I am decided that I WILL be offering my services to you nice people here to create graphics for your projects. I'm a commercial photographer and a Photoshop professional so I can make things that most people couldn't. Look at my website or my personal blog for examples of the graphics and favicons I've made. Some of the photography I've done is, humorously, from my cell phone using available light (no lighting equipment) because I was in a hurry. Click here to see those photographs in action on my site. They aren't exciting by any means, but for a cell phone I think they're pretty good. I even created the B12 graphic at the beginning of the post. I think it is ominous and ugly, which was ON PURPOSE to match how a lot of people feel when tackling the subject of vitamin b12 and veganism. I could have made it pretty, if I wanted.

Tomorrow is a new and bright day, and I plan to make the most of it! 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Marvin, great going! Left you a comment a couple minutes ago. I just didn't go in. I look forward to reading your content because I'm very interested in vegan-ism, though I wonder if I can pull it off. Haven't eaten meat in years.
Coin collectah Premium
Nice going there, Marvin!
Marvin Premium
Thanks! I just have to keep going forward and success will be found.