Last Update: February 11, 2011

WORKING WISER                                                                                                    Time management simply put, is working wiser.  Everybody has some extra time or the other and can put it to beneficial use.   Why can some people can achieve two or three times more in a given day than others?  The solution is very simple; they have acquired time management skills.      Time Management Is Essential To Success!

Each day we get 1440 minutes to live and enjoy our everyday living with no carry over balance, no over draft, and no reversal.  For that reason, we need to make sensible use of each and every minute possible.  Use your inbred rhythms.  Recognize the time of day when your energy is higher, and program your more challenging work at that time. This is working wiser.

Self-determination consists of a lot of attitudes and capabilities including: self-awareness, assertiveness, creativeness, and pride, and trouble resolving and.  To get charge of your personal lifestyle, you must be able to set goals, look at alternatives, make decisions and then work to accomplish your desired goals.  Self-determination is essential for all people  The skills leading to improved self-determination, like goal setting, problem resolving, and final decision making, make it possible for individuals to expect increased responsibility and control. 

Look at your checklist at the finish of the day and review.  Self-determination is a blend of skills, and values that make it possible for a person to engage in goal-directed, self-regulated, independent behavior.  Look at your goals, see what you need to do the next day.  Being familiar with all of your talents and boundaries together with a perception in one-self  as competent and successful are important to self-determination.  Self-determination consists of a lot of attitudes and skills including:  assertiveness, creativity, self-awareness and self-importance, and problem solving and self-advocacy abilities.  To take demand of your own lifestyle, you must be able to set goals, working  wiser, evaluate alternatives, make decisions and then work to accomplish your goals. 

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