I was accepted to Commission Junction I am so excited

Last Update: December 03, 2011

I know it is silly of me to be proud of my application being accepted with CJ but I really am so grateful because I just started a few new wordpress blogs all in the beauty niche and I wanted to promote some products from the major retail chains.

One day in the chat forums I asked what a good affiliate program would be as an addition to the popular Amazon affiliate and Pot Pie Girl mentioned Commission Junction.

I was hesitant at first thinking my sites were too new to get accepted but guess what my application was accepted to be a publisher.

This is just one step in the right direction especially since for 2012 I want to promote more physical products online to earn a monthly commission income.

Thanks everyone for your help and support I really appreciate it.

If you have any tips on the best merchants to use in CJ please let me know in the comments, Thanks!

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