My Plans for 2012

Last Update: November 25, 2011

Its a new year and some of my plans include becoming more self sufficient. For starters I want to get off the grid and actually produce my own electricity, grow my own food, sew my own clothes and sell my automobile and use public transportation or a bicycle instead.

Why? you may ask. Well it is pretty simple, I want more freedom and the less obligations in regards to expenses the easier it will be for me to live out my dream of being a nomad.

Maybe that is not the right word I want to have a mobile lifestyle, which means I have more options when it comes to what I do in my day to day experiences.

The internet is great but I do not want to rely fully on it for anything. It is my goal to start 2012 off as a free spirit who only does the things that evoke my passion for art, music, theatre, crafts, dance, woodwork, carpentry, metalworking, welding, fishing, camping, and collecting bottle caps.

I know that last one is pretty silly but I have always wanted to collect bottle caps and make stuff out of them, so I guess this a good time than any to get started.

I also want to see if I can live without a cell phone, television, radio, and just occasional internet. Living off the land is the desire at the moment and the less I use technology the better.

One thing I probably will not be able to give up is going to be my ereader from kindle because I absolutely love to read fiction books, my childhood hobbie and since I won't be able to live in the library anymore I will have to have copies of my favorite authors at my finger tips.

Well anyway I have started studying survivalist stuff so that I can make for at least a decade or longer on the road, it would suck to die from not having enough water or food in my travels.

Not trying to be morbid but if I plan on living off the grid I will need to learn how to survive away from civilization for months at a time. It could get lonely but I will have to figure out how to keep my socialization going because I do not want to be the one who flew over the cockoos nest . LOL 

 Well these are my plans for 2012, which could easily change but for now this is what I have my mind set out to do.

Wealthy Affiliate should be a great place to share my experiences as I go along and provide me with the much needed socialization. 

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reader Premium
Sometimes it's a must to give up things. I haven't had cable for a couple years when prices skyrocketed. I got a converter box and I didn't have much luck with it. Then one day it quit working. I don't know if it was the tov or converter box, but then I didn't care anymore. I don't miss tv. I liked the old shows, which cable was great for, but I found I could live without it and the expense. I don't have a landline phone either, but then many people don't now. I like my cell phone cause I can be reached for emergencies since I have grandkids now. I couldn't give up my dogs or books. But good luck to you whatever you try. We sure do live in an expensive world now. It takes all kinds of people to make the world and you are one of them and so am I. I like simpler things, whereas some people just go the other way. And that's good cause that's what makes life so interesting. Best of luck to you. And let me get selfish here and say best of luck to me in Internet Marketing. I would love to quit my day job.
meknowsu Premium
You make some good points reader, what seemed to be the turning point for me was when I realized I had accumulated so many things that I did not need anymore. Not to mention I was spending way to much money on activities that did not give me a return on my efforts. So I had to start over and just live off the land and stick with just a cell phone and a public library card. It has worked so far and finding new experiences has been my true focus. Also I wanted to say that I believe in you and your ability to reach your goals my friend, keep me posted on your progress I would love to hear all about it.