The End of the Iraq War and The Post-9/11 GI-Bill

Last Update: December 12, 2011

I was just reading information on the White House.Gov blog and found out that as the war in Iraq ends American Troops coming home the President is funding the Post-9/11 GI-Bill to help veterans and their families pursue a college education and obtain housing.

From a marketing stand point I see the "online education niche" about to explode even bigger than it already is.

Did you notice that the bill covers "entrepreneurship training"?

You can read an excerpt here:

The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

For more information see our Post-9/11 GI Bill pamphlet

The Post-9/11 GI Bill is effective August 1, 2009. Approved training under the Post-9/11 GI Bill includes graduate and undergraduate degrees, vocational/technical training, on-the-job training, flight training, correspondence training, licensing and national testing programs, entrepreneurship training, and tutorial assistance. All training programs must be approved for GI Bill benefits.

The Post 9-11 GI Bill will pay eligible individuals:

  • Your full tuition & fees directly to the school for all public school in-state students. For those attending private or foreign schools tuition & fees are capped at $17,500 per academic year. Click here for more information.

  • If you are attending a private Institution of Higher Learning in AZ, MI, NH, NY, PA, SC or TX you may be eligible for a higher tuition reimbursement rate.Click here for more information.

  • For those attending a more expensive private school or a public school as a non-resident out-of-state student, a program exists which may help to reimburse the difference. This program is called the “Yellow Ribbon Program”. (Click on the link for more information about the Yellow Ribbon Program, not everyone is eligible for the program).

  • A monthly housing allowance (MHA) based on the Basic Allowance for Housing for an E-5 with dependents at the location of the school. For those enrolled solely in distance learning the housing allowance payable is equal to ½ the national average BAH for an E-5 with dependents ($673.50 for the 2011 academic year). For those attending foreign schools (schools without a main campus in the U.S.) the BAH rate is fixed at $1,347.00 for the 2011 academic year. (Active duty students & their spouses cannot receive the MHA).

  • An annual books & supplies stipend of $1,000 paid proportionately based on enrollment.

  • A one-time rural benefit payment for eligible individuals.

This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits, generally benefits are payable for 15 years following your release from active duty.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill also offers some service members the opportunity to transfer their GI Bill to dependents.


What do you think of this? as far as marketing educational and housing affiliate programs to veterans.


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KerryLB1968 Premium
Hi meknowsu!

I agree that online education is booming. The lousy job market is causing people to go back to school or to stay in school longer. Plenty of Veterans entering the marketplace will only help. Additionally, the cost of college education is going through the roof! According to The Kliplinger Letter, tuition has doubled since 2000. Therefore, people are going to be more cost conscience when choosing an education provider. They will be doing more “homework” when deciding what education to “purchase”. This definitely could be a niche worth researching. However, I would caution against marketing towards the government as there is often plenty of “red-tape” to be accounted for. I am not sure that the WA fees would be reimbursable through that program even though they are providing an education service for someone wanting to start a marketing business.
meknowsu Premium
Thanks for your comment KerryLB1968 I can see what your saying about the cost of education rising and the need for affordable learning programs, I agree with that. I will do some more research on this topic and see what I can find. Thanks!