Lots of Visits. No Sales

Last Update: January 11, 2011

Looked properly at Google analytics which tells me that one blog post on my site had 400+ visitors towards the end of december and the whole site had 639! Not one sale. OK time to rewrite and repost then. Obviously it had something good about it but not the right thing. :-(  Big jump in numbers then tailed off to very few now.

 Still it really gives hope that STF may make me some money yet. 

 Signed up for Ezine 100 article challenge (glutton for punishment) so a target for the next few months to really get more work done.


PS to this I have one Stumbleupon bookmark with 1602 clicks and my Goarticle that it refers to has 1406 views ,all within a few weeks yet still not one translated to sales. Must just be on the edge of it happening.

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morlandroger Premium
No comments worth mentioning and the page with the most views was a page not a blog post. Taken Jay's advice and put affiliate link a bit higher up page. Many visitors may already have read content of page in article.
aldovacano Premium
if your site is a blog be aware that people using scrapebox visit for building backlinks from commenting on post. the best way for taking this out is uploading a plugin for the people who want to comment to use captcha
morlandroger Premium
Scrap that. Pages and posts showin up.
morlandroger Premium
Thanks Jay. Not sure how to do that. Have not had a chance to watch your analytics WAbinar yet. For some reason too only blog posts are showing up in analytics not pages. Average time on site is 1.23 mins
magistudio Premium Plus
Hey Roger - sounds to me like you did a good job at social bookmarking and/pinging the blog post as this is typical behavior for blog traffic. See how long people are on the page for and figure out which sentence people are leaving. From there, add some sort of link.