Post 500 Coming Soon...

Last Update: May 30, 2011

Hey WA'ers,

Happy Memorial Day to everyone out there!  Hope everyone has a fun and safe day.  Mine will involve some regular work, a little IM, and then 18 holes of golf and some vodka red bulls, or beers, we will see!

I have not been posting much in the forum because I am a little intimidated by the fact that my 500th post in this forum is coming up.  I have found myself commenting on blog posts more than forum ones...  I have almost been here 2 years.  My 2 years post will not be like some of the other ones you may read around here.  I am not killing it with IM, but I have made a ton of progress.  I do work full time, so I have not been able to devote the amounts of time necessary to make it full time with IM.

When I started, I knew jack shi_ about IM, websites, SEO, Articles, KW Research, bookmarking, and all of the other lovely things we do on a daily basis.  Even though I was not making ANY money for a long time, I did not get down.  I really tried to beat it into my head that this was a process, and it would just take me time.  And I am not the fastest of learners, but I am devoted to sticking with it.

 In a way, I compare it to a HUGE pot in a poker game.  I feel I am "Pot Committed" and I cannot fold now.  I feel my hand is strong.  I have invested money, time,and sweat into this and have no intentions of folding. 

 I appreciate everyone who has helped me along the way, and there are to many of you to mention in this post.  So I will thank the entire WA community for being there for each other, because I woulda quit ages ago if it were not for some of your words of encouragement when times were tough.

Post 500 is coming soon,  maybe today, who knows.  I am looking forward to another 500, and am looking forward to sharing it with all of you along the way.  

Thanks for reading this!


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muskyblood Premium
Joan and Craig, Thanks for commenting on my blog post. Yeah, IM is not for the faint of heart, that is for sure... For me, sharing my time with other activities does help me appreciate internet opportunities that much more. However, my goal is to rely on the internet one day as my main source of income. Who knows what the future holds.... To Be Continued...
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Josh, this path is not for the faint of heart and does require commitment for sure. In a way, it's not bad to share your time with something else. Gives you perspective. Full time IM can be heavy. I'm trying to make time for art and this too. Not easy. This is a wonderful supportive community. Thank you for your support, and your excellent posts. Look forward to #500.
Labman_1 Premium
Your welcome ( Your last line) Oh, and thanks for posting, I always enjoy your perspective.