Squidoo Question

Last Update: September 16, 2010

Hello All!

I've been reading a few of Pot Pie Girls tutorials and learning a lot. I've even "taken action" Woo Hoo! My first big step and leap of faith. 

I'm making my first Squidoo lens and I have a question or rather I need something cleared up for me in Pot Pie Girls  Fast Action Quick Start it states Squidoo lenses are equipped to allow you to use Squidoo's Amazon affiliate links, but in her Squidoo 101 tutorial it talks about adding your affiliate link to the lens; I'm guessing if we don't have an Amazon affiliate link we just skip this step. 

If anyone could clear this up for me I'd greatly appreciate it.


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prinker Premium
Thanks Keith. I did use a couple of the amazon module boxes on my lens so I guess I'm covered; I just wasn't 100% sure. Needed some reassurance.
kadcpp Premium
If you do not already have your own affiliate link you may use the Amazon Module to promote products without having signed up with Amazon. The module can be found in the Squidoo modules list.

Hope this helps.