So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

Last Update: September 29, 2010

Well, I see back in June I was saying I hardly ever spent time here any more, and that maybe I should cancel my sub. Here I am again, having logged in just a handful of times since. So this time round it really is time to move on.

I don't have time to put in at WA right now. And I know I can only get more out if I put more in. But I'm involved with so many other projects - many of them IM - that something has to go. And as WA is costing me with every passing month and I'm not getting the return I could be getting if I spent more time here... it's WA I'm going to have to cut.

If our paths crossed while I was here, thanks for the contact and exchange of thoughts. Thanks too to anyone whose tips, info and resources I learned from.

Thanks K&C.

Thanks WA.

Adios amigos

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Skybound Premium
BTW, if anyone wants to contact me any time, here's one of my many addresses: Be sure to mention WA and call me Skybound and I'll recognise you.
cld111 Premium
Good luck! This is my final day here too. I thought we were grandfathered in at $39? I didn't know there was a time limit? Anyway, much luck and success to you!
Skybound Premium
Thank you both for your good wishes. I've given you all my gold that would otherwise evaporate as it's the end of the month.

Part of me was in two minds yet again about leaving WA, having been briefly reminded of the community spirit here, but I feel I need to give the other things I have going on 100% for a while. I'm told I can return to WA within 60 days at the $39 pm month rate, so who knows...
jatdebeaune Premium
I wish you all the best with your projects. It was nice to know you for a short while.
andys43us Premium
Goodbye Skybound. And All the best for all your projects.