A Great To DON'T List

Last Update: October 24, 2009

Earlier today my team held a great training call.

One of our team leaders made a very good point that we are always focusing on a "To Do List". 

But building a successful business also involves things that we should not do. On that note, he shared his daily To Don't List with the team. I thought I'd share it with my WA community.

1.  Don't spend time with negative people (online or offline).

2.  Don't spend time with uncoachable people (for those of us who are building affiliate or network marketing teams and those who just love helping others).

3.  Don't stop enrolling people (for network marketers). Even if your business is big, don't get comfortable.

4.  Don't ever stop trying to help the masses.

5.  Don't stop learning.

6.  Don't ever stop believing you can do it.


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