Article Marketing: Maximize Results with Your Resource Box

Last Update: August 03, 2010

Article marketing is a great tool for getting traffic, establishing yourself as an expert in your niche, and even getting ranked in the search engines. Start writing and submitting an article every day and you will be amazed at how quickly you will see results. What may surprise you is that in article marketing the resource box is just as important as the article itself.

With article marketing...that is articles you are posting to article directories...the main thing you want your articles to do is to generate traffic to your website. When you write your articles keep this goal in mind. Remember, this is not your main product.

You want to provide valuable content...good information that helps solve a problem your reader is having. Focus on just one problem...or a part of a problem. Use a keyword in the article that refers to the problem-or the solution. But you also want the article to provide an incentive for the reader to get more information-and a way for them to easily do so.

So if you are a dog trainer, don't try to solve all the problems readers are having training their dog in one article. Teach them one simple thing that will make being a dog owner a more pleasurable, easier experience. Then they will be inclined to look to you for more solutions!

Then use the author's resource box to tell readers how to get that additional information. Use the same keyword that you have used in your article and create a text link in the resource box.

This means you will want to have a number of different resource boxes-at least one for each different keyword you want to rank for. Also be sure to include your website address in the resource box. Readers will click on these links and visit your website if you show that you understand their problems and can help them.

So you have made it easy for the reader to get more information from you. You also want to have a strong call to action. Don't just make it easy for them-tell them to visit your website or click the link-and why they want to. If you can teach them how to have the most well behaved dog in the neighborhood that comes when called, never jumps on strangers and doesn't bark...let them know that in your resource box. Do you have a free report that you offer on your website? That's a good thing to mention in the resource box, too.

You are getting traffic because people who read your articles are clicking on the links in the resource box. In addition, you have created valuable backlinks that will help in your search engine rankings. With each article you submit you create more backlinks. Soon when people search on your keyword your articles will appear towards the top of the search results and you will gain credibility that way...and even more traffic!

Write a good article and a have a strong resource box and you will maximize the results you get with article marketing. Follow the guidelines here and you will see a bump in traffic and search engine results.

To Your Success,

Phyllis Jordan


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timeandmoney Premium
Hi Moonvine, thanks so much for reading and commenting. I hope you found the information helpful! ~ Phyllis
timeandmoney Premium
Hi Twinkle - Thanks for the comment. A resource box is your "advertisement" which is usually found at the end of your article. This is were you can give information about yourself, your product, your company, etc. This is also were you can link back to your website. When you are submitting your article to a resource directory, there is usually a specific space provided for you to enter this information. Good luck with your article marketing! ~ Phyllis
twinkle Premium
I like this info on the resource box, however, I'm new to WA and I dont exactly know what a resource box is and how to put it in a article. You make it sound so good that I must know what it is.
moonvine Premium
Good info. I am pretty new with article marketing and need to work on my resource boxes. I like the idea of having a specific resource box for each niche. Easy to copy and paste and use again and again - especially if it is a very well produced resource box.