Is Affiliate Marketing A Practical Business Model?

Last Update: November 07, 2009

Can you really build a business around selling other people's products?  The answer is yes and no.
Some of the most common internet marketing courses, bootcamps and seminars are built around affiliate marketing as a business model for accomplishment.  If you do a search on the internet, one will come across thousands of  E-books, Homestudy courses, and affiliate marketing products for sale.

If done the right way, you can build a flourishing business around selling affiliate products.

However, by not following the right steps, it is possible that you will not make more than enough to cover your internet connection and telephone expenses each month.

What is the difference between the really successful affiliate marketers who make a huge income each month and those who are barely eking out an income?

Like with any venture, it takes creating stablesystems that can be monitored and duplicated to produce multiple streams of income.

The following should be kept in mind when getting started:

1.   Start with one product.  Research is very important.  Find a market with a product that people want and are buying.  Set up a system for promoting that product. Some options are article marketing, case studies, product reviews, etc.

2.  Find additional and related products/services that you would like to market after your are making a profit with the first one.

3.  Create an opt in page where you will collect names of those who wish to learn more about the product or service.

4.  Drive traffic to your landing Page and offer useful information in exchange for their contact information.

5.  Initiate techniques to stay in touch with the people on your list, and continue to market the additional products to them over time. However, it is important that you provide valuable information  to them as well. This will help build your credibility and your readers' loyalty.

6.  Once your first product is selling well, you will want to begin cross selling and upselling.  This could possibly take a few weeks to several months. But as with any other business, it's important that you are willing to spend the time and money necessary to build your business.

As soon as your initial campaigns are operating at a profit, it will be time to expand.  For example, you could go into an additional complimentary product or service.  Or, a more advanced method is to compete with yourself. This is a technique used by many marketing gurus.

This might seem unusual – but look at it another way: by competing against yourself, you're really just giving yourself a bigger piece of the pie!

If you're the type who gets bored easily, or enjoys a new challenge, you might want to go into a totally new niche.  Of course, you will need to look for a product or service that has nothing  to do with your first  niche.

Whatever technique your choose,it is imperative that the formula for success is followed  The goal is to buildeach product or niche until it becomes profitable before moving on to the next one.

After that, you can just "wash, rinse, and repeat" as much as you want. You will reap the benefits of watching your income grow.


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idm Premium
I agree, perfect advice. I'm still trying to figure out how to go about it and I'm going to refer back to this as a basis for my new strategy.
Ruggero Premium
Perfect advice! Email marketing (and doing it well) is where the "real" money is. You've got my vote! ;)