Haben Sie etwas Spaß Mit http://ubersuggest.org/

Last Update: July 04, 2012
Some of the folks on Chat have been having fun with this keyword tool. It gives nothing but keywords and more keywords. I'm amazed at how many it gives for a single search and you can dig as deep as you want. I'm going to use this tool for two purposes:

1. To find every keyword in the universe which I can take to JAAXY and find what the competition looks like. http://ubersuggest.org/ is really fast and it will save some time on JAAXY.

2. This tool, like Amazon, DMOZ and Ebay, is a great place to find a niche or a thousand.

So, have some fun with this program: http://ubersuggest.org/

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georgejhaas Premium
John, I tried out the link in your blog. It is very good. I will add this tool to my tool box and use it along with Jaaxy. Thank you for this information. George
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome, George! Hve fun!
@RICH. Premium
Hey John. You should suggest this to Kyle as another alternative for DMOZ and eHow in the choosing a niche bit in Your First 10 Days. Just a thought! Rich.
TJ Books Premium
Kyle probably knows all about it and then some. I think he should buy it. Thanks, Rich.
paci Premium
Oh yeah, its really good!
TJ Books Premium
And fun, right?
paci Premium
Thanks, i check it right away.
TJ Books Premium
leoemery Premium
Thank you for the resource and I like the idea using what is found and then taking those keywords to Jaaxy.
TJ Books Premium
Let us know how you do. John