Independence Day in the United States

Last Update: July 04, 2012
Fellow Americans, I hope you are having a great day as we celebrate the birth of our country. The Declaration of Independence spelled out our concerns to King George III, a mentally ill monarch with good intentions. He felt that his government had the right to tax the Colonies because that is what he was doing worldwide. Great Britain had put a tremendous amount of money into our war with the French. He wanted to get that money back several fold.

But our forefathers wanted their freedom. That is why they left England in the first place. My kin were on the Mayflower and the Nina and my ancestor, George Soule, the 35th signer of the Mayflower Compact was willing to work as an indentured servant a number of years to buy his passage to this country. Many others did the same thing. From this start, the country was populated. My great grandfather was born on the Sweetwater River in Wyoming in September of 1847. His family along with many of my relatives moved into the Salt Lake Valley a month later. They spread out from there and settled much of the Mountain West.

Each of us has an ancestry that provided what we have inherited. Through their blood, sweat and tears we have gained a life in a free country. Our forefathers had the incite to form a great nation. Although our county has tremendous problems from too many wars and too many crooks in high places, we have always been able to overcome them. Let's hope that we can make that happen again.

Have a Save and Enjoyable Day!

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mama2karsten Premium
A nice reflective 4th to you, TJ. I only hope that there are enough freedom loving people left in our midst to do what it takes to keep it that way.
TJ Books Premium
You got it! Thank you, Steve!
bigstevec Premium
crooks and politicians - did i hear you say synonymous - hey happy 4th - i know it has a special significance to you and i have the luxury of being able to celebrate it thanks people like you - i salute you today - this is your day john - sincerely - bigsteve
I had to get past 50 yo to appreciate my ancestors and all they did to kick start this great country/ Happy 4th
@RICH. Premium
I hear the guys wander about naked and make burnt offerings to a giant stone owl in celebration. Or is that only in California? Anyway, it's good to know that at least some of my American cousins are learning to enjoy the Great British eccentricities!
Oh California, would y'all like them by chance?
TJ Books Premium
Sounds like CA.
TJ Books Premium
How is Hannah, Meridith? Happy Day!