Posts by Umesh5 192
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Million of us are talented some like writing like you and me. Some want to succeed and make money online like you and me. Some like entertaining other like musicians. What is common with all the three groups is that they all have dreamed of being somebody oneday. Let us take for example talented musicians, who have dreamed of being signed up by a record company and finally have a number one hit. But one thing to note is that only few ever realize that dream in actual fact. Yes, it is t
Niches, no matter how much we talk about them there is still some confusion that surrounds the term "niche". Because of this, I want to offer you what I see to be the top 5 mistakes and worries I see when people are attempting to decide on their initial group of people (niche) they are going to choose to build their business around.Mistake 1: Being Too Broad Far too many people choose “health and fitness” as a niche. The problem is, health and fitness covers just about everything tha
I know, many of you reading this have likely obtained some form of post secondary education. Some of you may have great jobs as a result and not agree with this statement, some of you probably are on board and feel though that you have been “ripped” by the system and over-paid for your education. One thing that you cannot argue is the fact that conventional Universities are charging way too much money for their education. What better way for me to analyze this problem and c
The surest path to success is your ability to get more “traffic”. More visitors to your website mean more opportunity. Today I want to discuss “traffic” and the technique that I have personally used over the years to find my way to success within absolutely EVERY niche I have entered into.Traffic is the core of any successful business online... Why? Well, let me put it this way. Would you rather have a hot dog stand business on the corner of the busiest street in
Although we are heading into summer here, by no means does it mean that we are sitting on our laurels behind the scenes. As a Premium member, you have lots to look forward to in the coming months in respect to training. Not to mention the weekly platform/technical improvements, and evolutions taking place here within WA (some subtle and some not so subtle… more early next week on that). Today I want to discuss the training here at Wealthy Affiliate, the facelift it has just undergone,
September 05, 2014
Monkey search for "banana" in Google. You put "banana" in your ad. You offer a "banana" on your website with the best place to buy a "banana". Monkey buy banana. You make money off of monkey. Seriously though, a Monkey? Now, I have never seen a monkey actually perform a search in Google, but this is not saying one can or cannot. The point I am trying to make is that THIS is the process of a very successful Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign. If I
People chase all sorts of things within the online business world. The next gimmick. The next tool. The next technique. Some work, usually for a very short period of time….however, almost all of the “stuff” out there won’t work. However, there has been one thing that has always remained a STATIC way to create success online. That thing is CONTENT. What most people don’t realize is that they hold the key to their success through their con
If you have 3-4 years and thousands of dollars to spend, by all means, sign up for a Bachelor Degree in Marketing online. But there is a much faster, much cheaper way to gain even more marketable skills. There are two types of people in the world: Wealthy Affiliate members and non-Wealthy Affiliate members. If you are the first type, you already know what I'm talking about. Still, it never hurts to be reminded. If you are the second, read on to find out the to
Good Morning fellow W AffiliGators... This Blog is dedicated to a Fellow Gator here @ WA, which after reading his Blog I felt compelled to write the following. His feelings I'm sure, are not unique, or abnormal. Many of us at one time or other, have and will face the same sentiments and challenge. I began to reply to his blog, soon to realize, it would be much to long. Then it dawned on me, write a Blog about it. Who knows, maybe my words will to