What are your plans for promoting Wealthy Affiliate in 2014? A year is a long time and a massive amount of success can be accomplished in a year. I absolutely KNOW that YOU can achieve awesome success through bootcamp in the year ahead and I can't wait to see it unfold!

I want you to post below how many new referrals you are going to make your goal in 2014. Be realistic, but at the same time give yourself something that is going to be an ambitious goal.

I know each and every one of you can achieve massive success and I am going to hold you to your goals!! :)

So below in the comments, write "my goal in 2014 is to get ____ Wealthy Affiliate referrals into the WA community". You may also want to write this where you see it every day, something you will be able to use as motivation.

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kyle Premium Plus
kyle Premium Plus
kyle Premium Plus
umesh4 Premium Plus
Well my personal goal this year is to attain the '3,000 Rolls Royce' package!

Since attending the WA Vegas conference this year, I have been on a war path to get this happening.
Watch out SkyLoft, here I come!
kyle Premium Plus
WOW that's some goal... Maximum respect and good luck!
Carson Premium Plus
kyle Premium Plus
Hi Meenakshi,
This is testing.

This is for testing support ticket comment.
kyle Premium Plus
New on 29th Aug 2017 New on 29th Aug 2017 New on 29th Aug 2017 New on 29th Aug 2017 New on 29th Aug 2017 New on 29th Aug 2017
kyle Premium Plus
Add your goals here, this is a brand new thread for 2014 WA promotional goals. :) Can't wait to see all of you and help all of you achieve your goals in the year ahead. :)