Taking a piece of the pot pie

Last Update: May 10, 2010

Whats up all my WA peeps, I have come to make a update on what and how I am doing. So far I have a website (incomplete) 15 PPC ads, 3 squidoos, and 16 free affiliate networks. I even took some advice from potpiegirl and put a couple of golf PPC ads on face book. I will tell you how they do and what I used so maybe you guys can repeat it if it works.

Now all that said, the road is still long, but I have came so far in three months Its really nuts. So to any one just coming in, welcome to the rest of your life. 


Keep your head up


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cld111 Premium
Sounds like you're busy! Keep us posted on those Facebook ads. I would be interested in how they do.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi there Luke. Looks like you are making progress. Congrats!
Jamie Smith Premium
cheers Luke, keep up the all the hard work as always my brother!