blog on business 06 oct

Last Update: October 05, 2022

You can find anything you want online. At this point in time, no one should be surprised by the vastness of information that lives on the internet. But using that information, and simply just scrolling through, are two very different things. And in the world of business where everyone is looking to get ahead (and stay ahead), actually putting knowledge into action is what separates the best from the mediocre.

So, if you’re looking to give your business an advantage in 2021, or finally start that business you’ve been thinking about, then heading online is actually a great place to start. From general business tips and funny entrepreneurial quips to legitimately invaluable advice and how-to guides, business blogs have everything you could ever want. In fact, a study done by QuickBooks suggests that almost half of all ready-to-start entrepreneurs rely solely on business blogs and websites for their information. (No business degrees required.)

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