Daily Steals
By CJ in Category Consumer Electronics

Welcome to Daily Steals -- one of the largest deal websites in the world.  Daily Steals focuses on offering unique, amazing deals every day to our 1 Million+ fans and customers. We source unique products at massive discounts, up to 70% off accross multiple categories, including electronics, home accessories, toys, kitchen tools, and outdoor equipment. We have sold millions of dollars worth of product every year on other affiliate networks and are new to CJ.  We will be offering exculsive offers to publishers that want a great source of the best quality/ heavily discounted product on the web. Contact our Affiliate Manager if you want exclusive offers.  Our large and loyal fan base are looking for deals, and getting extra discounts from their favorite publishers will motivate them to come back to you for more. Our deals change all the time, beucase they are rare and extraordinary. Imagine 50% off ipads, 70% off premium brand watches, 60% off fashion. Contact our affiliate manager for exclusive offers. In addition, we offer special flash sales each day on The Heist, a special category-based deal section. All of these items are updated daily, cultivating an exciting, vibrant community of Daily Steals fans who are always excited about discovering our next deals. The Daily Steals affiliate program includes banner ads in a variety of shapes and formats, many of which can be altered to fit your site-specific needs. We also provide text links for easy integration into your online presence. Benefits: Becoming a Daily Steals affiliate is easy and free! You can start earning commissions immediately. Some benefits of the affiliate program include: Commission on all sales Exclusive coupons and SEM bidding rights. Bonus incentives and promotions throughout the year We look forward to working with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our affiliate manager (affiliates@cvrmarketing.com) with any questions or concerns. We restrict affiliates from bidding on keywords that include or imply and reference to Daily Steals, the Master Thief, IceMonkey, or any other Daily Steals partners.

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