Benefit from partnering with the nation's leading online source of health insurance for individuals and families. We have established relationships 180+ health insurance carriers and offer 10,000+ health insurance products online. We are the ONLY site that allows a consumer to view quotes, compare plans side-by-side and apply for health insurance - all online with our eSign technology. *In addition to your application, and to insure your programs quality we require our applicants to email a description of their program including promotional methods, Web site(s) where eHealthInsurance will be promoted, and your CJ account number to* Commission Terms Individual or Family: Earn $50 Student: Earn $20 Short Term: Earn $10 Dental: Earn $10 Small Business Group: Earn $75 Important Restrictions • You may NOT offer incentives to consumers to complete applications through our links. • You may NOT use a display URL containing our trademark in search ad copy. • You may NOT outbid eHealthInsurance on terms "ehealth", "ehealthinsurance" or any variation of these two terms. • You may NOT claim any kind of discount for health insurance through our links. • You may NOT perform insurance activities on behalf of eHealthInsurance. Individual or Family” health insurance is defined as major medical individual or family health insurance offered through a channel other than a government-operated health insurance exchange; it does not include qualified health plans (as that term is defined under the Affordable Care Act). "Submitted"is defined as a customer that (i) properly completes an online application, and (ii) clicks "submit" or a similar button required to submit the application.