Asking Questions at WA just Got a Whole lot Easier!

Last Update: May 08, 2014

Hi Everyone,

Today we have released an update which is going to make asking questions and getting answers a lot easier!

We have said goodbye to Classroom "Discussions", and replaced them with "Questions". And we've given everyone their very own Questions/Answer page within their profiles so that they can easily keep track of the questions you've asked and the answers you've received.

How do you ask a Question?

One of the most important aspects of building your Online Business is to be able to ask a question clearly, and get an answer. To help with this we've added some helpers so that when you ask a question, it's clear, concise, and easy for others to answer.

You can ask questions in a number of easily accessible places.

1 - Within your "actions" shortcut icon: in the header next to your Image and Rank icon you can click the pen icon to drop down a list of options to perform an action. One of the actions is "Ask a Question" which will pop-up a box where you can enter your question.

2 - By typing a question in the search box: This option will search the entire Wealthy Affiliate community for questions related to what you are asking. Most of the time you will find the answer that you are looking for right here. If you don't, you can scroll to the bottom of the search results and ask your question there:

3 - From your new "Questions" dashboard: Everyone now has their own questions dashboard found by viewing your profile. You will notice a brand new tab at the top that shows all of the questions that you have asked, along with a count of how many answers you have received. You can ask a question from this page too!

4 - From Classrooms: Classrooms are where you will find thousands of questions and answers all sorted by topic. Within any Classroom you can ask a question right form the top.

Getting help within the Training Courses

In addition to being able to ask questions as mentioned above, you can get help by asking questions within training, video's, courses, or webinars. Any comment that has a ? mark in it will ask you if you would like community help. If you click "YES", your question is going to get exposure on the Activity Dashboard so that others can find it quickly.

Questions asked in this way are marked with a new label on the dashboard that reads "needs help".

So, where do you create discussions about your Internet Marketing Journey?

Your WA blog is where you can create discussions, interact with others, ask for feedback or reviews on what you are working on, or document your Internet marketing Journey!

There are rules about publishing blogs here at WA and everyone should know that Wealthy Affiliate is a no spam no solicitation community. Your blog is also not a place to post your articles. You should put your articles directly on your website.

For the rules about blogging here at WA, go here.

Have an answer? Help a fellow member out!

Wealthy Affiliate is a true pay-it-forward community where we all work together and help one another. If you see a question that you have an answer to you can always help out by dropping an'll not only help the person who asked the question, but it will help those who are searching for answers within the search! Helping others out by answering questions, gives you a significant bump in your WA Rank too!

Pay-it-forward and you'll be certain to get the answers that you're after too when you ask!

Kyle and my goals with WA is to make sure that everyone can ask questions and get the help they need in a very timely manner. The new Questions system that we have released today is a powerful addition and just one of many things that we are working on to continue improving the Wealthy Affiliate community.

As always, we would love your feedback!


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Carson Premium Plus
Aarti Premium
Aarti Premium
Aarti Premium
Hi Carson, Fantastic update. Thanks to you and and Kyle for always pushing the envelope and making the WA site of even greater value then it was.
Aarti Premium
iTests Premium
Hi Carson, Fantastic update. Thanks to you and and Kyle for always pushing the envelope and making the WA site of even greater value then it was.
Carson Premium Plus
umesh4 Premium Plus
First to respond, cool :)
Thanks Carson for the new improvements.
You guys keep getting better, and we all win because of it.
Carson Premium Plus
Aarti Premium