Introducing WA Notifications!

Last Update: June 08, 2012

Hi Everyone!

Today marks an exciting evolution in the Open Education Project as we have just released our email notification system. One of my biggest issues with WA is that I do not know when people are interacting with me. Unless I am logged into WA I do not know that someone just posted on my Space, or replied to a comment within a blog or training resource. Today we have just released an email notification system that will help you to stay in tune with with what is happening in WA.

What will you be notified for?

The goal with notifications are not to fill your inbox with pointless messages, it’s to keep you in touch with what you are interested in and following at WA. For instance, if you ask a question within the discussion on a particular training resource, you will be notified immediately if someone replies to you. This is pretty important don’t you think?

Here is a list of notifications that you will receive:
  • When someone follows you
  • When someone comments on your Space profile
  • When someone comments on an owned Item (Blog or Training)
  • When someone you are following publishes a new Blog
  • ALL new training
  • ALL new webinars

Managing your notifications settings?

In every email notification that you receive you will have a link that you can follow that will allow you to easily manage your notifications. Also, within your account settings here in WA you can manage these same settings.

Direct Management from Email Link:

Management From Account Settings in WA

More control over notifications is planned and something that will be released in the coming days. I am referring to the ability to choose specifically which notifications you receive (which actions). Grouping notifications together into daily reports is also something we are considering.

These notification options will be managed by an interface like this in just a few days:

Today is an important milestone in the evolution of Wealthy Affiliate University - the Open Education Project! We are no longer “blind” when it comes to our experience at WA. We can ask questions and expect to be notified instantly when someone answers them. We will know the second that training is published, a new webinar is available, or a blog post from someone you are following is posted. This is one of the missing links that will unite all WA members on a higher level. Kyle and I are excited and we hope that this will improve your experience and benefit your education greatly.

Making sure you receive notifications:

Getting your notifications to your inbox is very important as we’ve mentioned above. However, as with any new emails you may miss them if they go to your Trash or Spam boxes. To prevent this please make sure that you add us to your Safe list.

Email Notifications will come from: “Wealthy Affiliate” and are from the email address:

no-reply @

We will do our best to get these to your inbox but if you are not getting your notifications then please add a filter to make sure they make it into your inbox.


As always, we greatly appreciate feedback. Whether it is positive or negative, your voice counts and we would love to hear from you.


PS: All members who have followed me will have received a notification about this blog post via email...pretty cool!
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mama2karsten Premium
Very nice added feature... It's great to be in a place that never stands still... always moving forward, adapting and evolving. Thank You. I am also with Labman regarding "inbox control".
Carson Premium Plus
Incognito Premium
Another great addition to the system guys, awesome work!
Labman_1 Premium
This will be a nice feature but I'm gonna want that control ASAP. I already spend hours with my inbox. This could be good or could be overwhelming.
Carson Premium Plus
yessharon Premium
My email notification was in my gmail spam.
Carson Premium Plus
yessharon Premium
Yes I removed it from spam and yes the second email went to my inbox.
Carson Premium Plus
kyle Premium Plus
Real time notifications are going to be monumental in terms of your ability to interact and engage in dialogue as it is happening. Enjoy everyone!
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Interacting with the Free Trial Users is important, too. So, will they also be notified even AFTER their 10 day trial expires, or must they pay to receive notifications? Like Carson mentioned, people would like to get notified when they are waiting for an answer.

Side Note: I sent you a PM re: Spy Tool. I know you guys must be SWAMPED so could you take a look at your Inbox when you have the time? Thanks Kyle!