Posts by Carson 1668
January 20, 2014
Testing asdf asdf asdf sdaf sdaf asd fa sdf
January 20, 2014
my new blog for tag test The freebies on which the judiciary has frowned points to how the future of a state’s, or even a country’s economy could be jeopardised by giveaways which have less to do with welfare and more with merely getting elected at the state’s cost. Competitive freebies only ensure recklessness. Such freebies have enormous negative impact. For instance, post-nationalisation, Indira Gandhi’s political minions told the poor during elections that bank loans at a differen
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January 20, 2014
The freebies on which the judiciary has frowned points to how the future of a state’s, or even a country’s economy could be jeopardised by giveaways which have less to do with welfare and more with merely getting elected at the state’s cost. Competitive freebies only ensure recklessness. Such freebies have enormous negative impact. For instance, post-nationalisation, Indira Gandhi’s political minions told the poor during elections that bank loans at a differential rate of interest were
January 20, 2014
my test for blog tag 2
January 20, 2014
my new blog for tag test
January 19, 2014
Test. On a short trip to London, K Sable realised the importance of having a comprehensive travel insurance policy. The policy came to his rescue when his baggage and passport were misplaced. Travel insurance is not a factor one pays much attention to when planning a trip. But even if you feel that the chances of things going wrong in your otherwise well-planned holiday or business trip are slim, a good travel insurance cover is a must have in today’s context. It can be quite reassuring
January 19, 2014
Checking. dfasdfasd f asdf asd f sdf sdfjas djfkajsdkfj dkasdjfkl jkjdskl fjdsk asdjkfjadks fkasd fkadksfjkads jf
January 18, 2014
January 18, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel orci vitae neque consequat pharetra et quis elit. Phasellus eget mauris at ipsum faucibus porttitor et id tortor. Morbi condimentum facilisis odio. Duis mattis ullamcorper pretium. Sed venenatis diam vitae suscipit imperdiet. Sed suscipit lectus ac interdum suscipit. Donec vel turpis sit amet magna laoreet gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas aliquam laoreet e
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel orci vitae neque consequat pharetra et quis elit. Phasellus eget mauris at ipsum faucibus porttitor et id tortor. Morbi condimentum facilisis odio. Duis mattis ullamcorper pretium. Sed venenatis diam vitae suscipit imperdiet. Sed suscipit lectus ac interdum suscipit. Donec vel turpis sit amet magna laoreet gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas aliquam laoreet