This is the new generation AI

Last Update: February 14, 2024

Wealthy Affiliate platform

I have been working on my learning here at the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Of course, as no one can claim they know everything, we all can reach further and enhance our learning if we choose to. I embrace this wholeheartedly, welcoming each lesson with "Aha!" moments.

For example, if I see something on the platform I do not understand, I would ask my buddy GPT for assistance, and then, of course, I would cross-reference their findings.

I have been learning so much more exponentially. Also, I have committed to viewing a WA webinar daily.

I love being a beginner. I am creating a new AI persona, a bot with my attributes, to help me polish my content further. I see opportunities and potential. I enjoy immensely serving others and helping them on their journey. It has been rewarding.

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