Welcome Platinum Beta Users!

Last Update: July 21, 2009

Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate Platinum (BETA)!

 Kyle, Myself and our awesome development team have been working on the Platinum version of Wealthy Affiliate for the past year!  We've taken the ideas and feedback we have received over the years from WA members and mixed that with our own intuition to come up with this first iteration of WA Platinum.

Here are a few things to look out for:

1 - Fully updated WA Spaces

As you can see, we've updated WA spaces so that is much more "community" based.  You can now talk with users while following conversations using buddy talk.  This doesn't replace the forum at all, but it's a great way to leave a message for someone. 

You'll notice that you can now manage your blog just like you would a fully functional blog outside of WA!  This gives you the ability to share your journey, thoughts, or just chit-chat with the community.  Others can now comment on your blog too!

Check out the buddy network!  When someone adds you as a buddy, you'll be notified and you can accept or decline to add them back!  You'll also notice that your "Buddy Activity" is a snapshot of what people in your own personal network are doing!  You can keep up to date with your network right here in WA Spaces!

2 - Brand new and completely overhauled Training Center!

The training center is an amalgamation of Internet marketing resources created by Kyle and Myself, and the old share zone!  The difference is now that ANYONE can edit anyone else's tutorials.  This means that fresh content is going to flow into WA on a daily basis and tutorials will get better and better over time as more people contribute to them.

3 - Keyword Research Tool

All of our keyword tools are now found within the KW tool (Click here to check it out).  Mining for keywords has never been easier.  Save your keyword lists, spy on your competition, or use our tools to prepare your keywords for your adgroups and campaigns.  The new keyword tool is another great improvement that is included with Wealthy Affiliate Platinum.


4 - A New "Smart" interface (and it's "Cool" looking too!)

As you start using WA Platinum the system will begin to learn your behavior, what topics you are interested in, and it will start putting the "Right" resources in front of you before you know that you need them!  Offering you the right training at the right moment is KEY to allowing WA to meet your individual needs as an Internet marketer.

Over the course of the next 5-6 weeks, Platinum Beta users are going to continue to see new functionality, tools, and systems added.  WA will come alive as we move forward to our September Launch.


5- Beta Feedback system - You can HELP!

To help make WA platinum the best it can be at the time of the official launch, we want your feed back.  You'll find a feedback button in the main menu where you can tell us your thoughts and give feedback or offer suggestions.  At anytime while you are working in the system, feel free to let us know what you think!

Thanks for taking part in this monumental moment in Wealthy Affiliate History!


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