Where oh where has Carson Gone?

Last Update: February 21, 2012

Hey WA!

I wanted to blog today about where I’ve been as it may seem as though I’m a little bit of a ghost at WA in recent days or weeks.  Following up on what Kyle blogged about last week, WA is being upgraded in a big way...well a massive way.  Everyone at WA is going to very soon get to experience the next wave of WA improvements that will take the online community by storm and propel your online education, training, and success to new levels.  This upgrade has been keeping me busy... but in a good way!

I’m excited, stoked, revved up, and quite frankly damn proud of what’s coming.

Some of the improvements to WA are actually being rolled out right now in the background.  Some you can see like the WA Hosting ticket system, some you can’t.  Kyle and I, along with our team are constantly moving WA forward and evolving it as is required to stay current.

Today we released a new Web Hosting Ticket system that is found right on your Hosting control panel:  https://my.wealthyaffilaite.com/hosting

This new system will speed up and deliver problems that you experience with your websites to us in a streamlined fashion.  Rather than creating time consuming and needless dialogue when there is a problem with your website, let us know directly by adding a hosting ticket.

99.99% of the time a website goes offline due to a problematic wordpress theme or plugin, but regardless of the reason, using the ticketing system will notify us immediately.  Our team monitors your tickets at all times of the day and we will make sure to look into any hosting related issues you may be having with your site.

Premium web hosting monitoring is something we are also developing because as your network of websites grows, you need to rely on us to keep your sites up and running.  Most web hosts will shut down your site if it’s got a theme or plugin that causes problems. We are working to implement a solution where we can keep your site up and running, notifying you of the problem.  Wordpress is the worlds most used website builder and it’s a great platform for all purposes of creating a website.  The major problem with it is certain plugins and themes can bring your site down.  These can also create system vulnerabilities.  We’re implementing ways to keep your sites working 100% of the time.  Where another web host would delete your domain, we work to keep it working.

Today I wanted to blog about what I’m working on because I don’t get a chance to hang out as much as I would like within the public areas at WA!  Although I’ve always got my Live chat open, follow discussions, and still offer my support via Private message, I’m focusing on the development of a brand new system for all members at WA!  

In the coming weeks and months you will see WA transform.  The future of online education, networking, and learning is just around the corner.

Thanks for reading!


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smokeywins Premium
That is great to hear! Can't wait to see whats next. More proof that WA is truly the only program you need when it comes to learning how to make money online :-)
Carson Premium Plus
lionseye Premium
Sounds exciting... can't wait to see what's next!
stadium Premium
What does this mean...
Premium web hosting monitoring is something we are also developing...
This means we will need to pay a small fee?
kyle Premium Plus
No, you will not have to pay extra for this. We are going to be doing this behind the scenes to keep your sites running a max performance.
stadium Premium
Cool Kyle, I actually was pretty sure you wouldn't be charging a fee. On my website I was writing a post kind of centered around the meaning of the word premium was interested in see Carson's or your response.
Carson Premium Plus
Jamie Smith Premium
one word ... AWESOME.
chamaltatis Premium
Thanks for all your work! I'm really excited to see those new things coming! This new hosting ticket is great as well specially for us who are not so good with programming and more technical issues about websites.
Carson Premium Plus