First Article Written....

Last Update: February 25, 2011

Well, I've completed my first article for Ezine submission. Since I'm starting off with the Super Affiliate program, I'm just wondering if it is appropriate to use the name of Wealthy Affiliate in my article if my keyword phrase does not use the name but uses the subject matter as part of the article.  I don't want the article to seem as if it's an ad.  So my intention was to make a suggestion of an online business as an option for income, then use the link in the resource box .  Is this the way that I should do that, or should I actually use the name of WA in the article itself even though it is not part of the keyword phrase? Hmmmm.  All experienced suggestions are welcome!  I really want to hurry and get this article submitted.  By the way, I love the Rapid Writer Program and the Keyword tool is AWESOME!

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phildeeze Premium
You will want to use your keyword. It isn't necessary to introduce them to wealthy affiliate because your web page will do that when they click the link. Also know you can't use affiliate links with ezine but you can link back to a domain which it sounds like your doing so you should be set.