First Ezine Article Submitted!

Last Update: February 26, 2011

Ok everyone! I finally submitted that article!  It took forever because I wanted it to be perfect. Oh well, at least I tried, LOL. Anyway, I don't know if I should have done it, but in the resource box I put my Mad Marketing Method link instead of my actual site.  Is this what I should have done.  I got an email from Carson saying that we could use them in the articles.  Have any of you done this and had success?

My next question is a biggie for me.  I could have submitted articles to other directories today. So what's the hold up you may ask? Well, I don't know whether you can submit the exact same article to different directories.  Do you have to change it?  Can you use the same key words? I have a keyword list all set up but I would like to submit articles to all the directories on each keyword.  Will they cancel each other out? What the hey?  I tried to look up the information and was unable to find it. 

I need to submit more articles, then get my blog up and running because my landing page is currently a pre-made WA site.  I'm ready to get my own niche going but I want to get some money coming in from WA first.  All experienced advice is WELCOME!  Thanks everyone who has been helping me along the way.  You guys are GREAT!

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Pounders Premium
My own opinion here. No article will ever be perfect. So, just write using the best keyword destiny you can and hit the submit button! Otherwise you will stress over it and take forever to submit it. Next, I would say in your resource box, use a RELEVANT link in there. I dont know what your article was about. So, if the MMM was relevant to it, I guess there are no objections then. (B/C you dont want to have a good article about dogs, but link them to internet marketing=no relevancy!) Dont wait til you make money first before you start another project. Build a link wheel for the niche you have now. And build from there. Again, only my opinion. More experienced IMers may have better advice.