Uh Oh. I'm Lost

Last Update: February 09, 2011

Ok, I've completed all of these lessons:

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I still don't seem to be getting anywhere.What am I missing? The only things I have left in my training center I believe are Web Hosting, Website Development, and System Tutorials. Are there more that will appear after a certain amount of time?  I don't want to waste time because I don't have it to waste.  Unfortunately I'm falling in the trap of so many others on this site and that is confusion.  The content is wonderful, but I have somewhat lost my place. Hmmmm.

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Sherion Premium
Go to the Action Plan and check off what you have done there. Go lesson by lesson. Then you will see where you are at. Hopefully. lol
smokeywins Premium
It seems like you have tried to take on too much at once. Stick with the action plan and work it all the way through. Make sure you understand the steps before you continue. Don't forget to stop by and ask questions in the forum if you have problems. Take it slow and everything will start to make sense.
phildeeze Premium
If you are following the action plan then you will get more lessons each week. They limit the time you spend on each lesson because too many people will just read through the lessons and not implement what they are learning as they go. It is a lot of info to take in so it is important to go one step at a time. Definitely start searching for a niche and doing some keyword research. Once you know what you want to promote you can choose which path you are going to take in promoting it.
reid1 Premium
Congrats on completing your lessons! Now the next step would be to choose what interest you the most (your niche.) PPC, email marketing, article marketing etc.....

I was told by wisemen and women that Article Marketing is a great place to start, because it's the foundation of all things IM.

Whatever endeavor you decide to choose, make sure you become an "expert" in that field, before you decide to move on to something else.

Peace and Prosperity!!
Labman_1 Premium
I'm sure that somewhere in there was the admonition to take massive action. Start small and work up. Get yourself out there and take action. Just so you know, we have all been there at one time or another.