Attracting Readers For Your Blog

Last Update: April 04, 2010

I know we always talk about articles for directories and how the better your articles the most likely people will read them.  However, your articles on directories are not the most important place where you should make an effort to write informative, interesting and pulling articles.  The place where you really want to apply all the tricks you know about writing is on your blog. 

The reason for this is that while people might scan through your articles they find on directories, they might more willingly read every word on your blog when they get there.

I know myself, I might scan through when I am looking for something I haven’t found yet, but once I feel like I’ve found what I was looking for I am going to read every single word to LEARN more or UNDERSTAND a point better.  This will most likely happen on someone’s blog.

This is why you want to write your blog post in the most effective and attractive way possible, so the reader will be able to read through your post easily and be able to make a decision based on what he or she has read and not fall asleep and lose interest.

When you write your article for your blog try to sound as original as you can by writing as you speak rather than writing like an encyclopedia.  People are not programmed computer, they are humans who like you enjoy reading about things that are real from real people who have feelings like theirs and who went through what they are going through.

When you are writing about a subject you have experienced yourself, don’t hesitate to talk about you and what you went through.  People love real stories.  Look at TV nowadays; it’s all about reality shows.  Why do you think that is?

You will always attract and keep more readers if you are talking to them as a person versus narrating something with no feeling and no life in your articles.  So, remember this the next time you write you articles for your blog and tell a story with life and feeling as you inform and educate  your potential customers.


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Jazonc73 Premium
I so agree with this, That is why I strive to make...
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Sylviane, I think we are in an age when one needs to "stand out" in everything. It could be because so much information is coming at us at once, and one needs to stand out in order to be noticed, more than ever. Or it could be because so many things in our society have become generic and blah, that we're starved for any and all originality and independent thought. Dare to be different. Also, as you said in your blog, we need to share the personal, our own experience. People want to know that they are not alone. Others have been there. We seem to like triumph over adversity, the thrill of surprise, and unexpected twists too, hence the reality shows. Whatever the reason, I too, need to be grabbed..