There are a few things that I use to quickly determine whether or not someone will be successful online or not. These work 99% of the time (I am wrong on a rare occasion).

I know you are going to fail online if:

#1: You want instant success and you believe this is possible. This is called the lottery.
#2: You expect other people to do the work for you. This is only OK when you can afford to hire help.
#3: You constantly ask people what they earn online. People that do this are looking for a quick fix. People earn loads online...$100's of billions per year. There is no reason to ever ask if someone is making online or not.

Thought I would just share these 3 things with you. These are the most common things I see and these are the things that people that are destined to fail ask.

If this is you, there is still hope. You just need to change the way you think about online success and you will be OK. Don't fall into the trap of wanting instant success, you want other people's success, or you want others to do the grunt work for you.

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