Jay WAbinar 4/27/2012

Last Update: April 26, 2012

Jay is my marketing mentor

I STRONGLY suggest you enjoy Jay's excellent FREE WAbinar classes and Jay's magistudios blog.

I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...

Friday April 27th 2012 5pm PST
How to Recruit Local Marketing Clients

How about a WAbinar, Training Course & Case Study all at the same time?

Regardless of your skills in local SEO, one of the biggest challenges can be actually recruiting clients for Local Marketing.

Join Jay (magistudios) this Friday to see a step-by-step action plan on how to recruite local clients for seo from start to finish, including finding them, getting them to respond and selling them on your service.

In Addition:
This will also include a live case study & training course within the WA Training Area.

If you’ve had any interest in helping local businesses but not sure how to recruit, then be sure to attend this live presentation!

"Regardless of what your experience level is, be sure to jump on board to this WAbinar as there may be one tiny piece of information that you pick up that can make a huge difference in your online business."


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