Please VOTE

Last Update: December 18, 2011

Wishing the WA family worldwide a safe and relaxing holiday season.

THANK YOU once again to EVERYONE around the world for voting in the 2012 Drum&Bass Awards

Jamie Smith "Best International Artist"

Jamie Smith "Best Promoter" "Best Radio Station"

Urban Chemistry Recordings "Best Label"




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Behealthy Premium
Hey Jamie. Sorry, but I'm still confused. I'm trying to enter your vote categories you listed but I'm getting an error response, saying I have to vote for all of them. Erm, what shall I do :)
Jamie Smith Premium
There is no pressure to vote, just nice of you to think of me. You can write in any person you want for those categories.
Jave27 Premium
I tried to vote for you, but you have to vote for all 26 categories on that site, and I'm at a loss for replies for the rest of them. :)
Jave27 Premium
Actually, I voted anyway and just made up a bunch of responses. Some I thought were pretty good. Best MC: Hammer. :)
Jamie Smith Premium
No problem, it is such a nice gesture to take time out of your busy schedule to think of me. This blog post is a way of saying thanks for all the votes worldwide, not so much about getting people to vote for me. Happy Holidays!
Jamie Smith Premium
follow me on twitter...
jroth728 Premium
Just voted Jamie, your name is in there for a few more categories than you listed though... like Jave27 said, I wasnt too sure who to vote for on some of them.

Wishing you and the family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jamie Smith Premium
That is awesome, didn't realize I am showing up in even more categories. I am still blown away by all the kind votes worldwide each year. Thanks so much for taking time to vote. Merry Christmas to you!