WA family worldwide

Last Update: April 22, 2012

My manager Helen from Worldclass Management in London sent me this earlier today ...

"Family isn't always blood. Its the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile & love you no matter what".

I just want to take a moment to say how thankful I am for the WA family worldwide.

You are so nice and so supportive!


I had over 18,000 of you on my WA crew on the old system. I am slowly starting to get our pages linked up again on the new Open Education Project platform. I wish you great success during 2nd Quarter 2012 and beyond.

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Deezdz Premium
I'm so grateful to be part of your 'crew' Jamie...and I couldn't agree with you more. T

There are such great supportive people here at WA and growing close to those who listen, support and encourage really does give it a "family feel".
Jamie Smith Premium
Hi Dee, congrats once again with being a part of Tony Robbins' & Oprah's event in Toronto, that is so awesome. Everyone here is on my WA crew, but unfortunately even if I took the time out of my busy schedule to get everyone linked back up again onto the new platform, I can't get all 18,000+ into 2000 slots. Although I can't get all of the family onto my personal feed, atleast I can catch all the cool stuff from the WA family worldwide on the global feed.
Deezdz Premium
Thanks..it was exciting. I'm a huge Tony Robbins fan and Oprah...well she's Oprah!

The way this new interface is set up, I'm in no rush to fill the 2000 slots of my personal feed.

I'm going to keep my personal network for those I feel "closest to" and interact with the most. As you pointed out, the global feed offers interaction with EVERYONE which makes it easy to respond and interact. =)

Have a great day Jamie
Labman_1 Premium
I guess you are limited to 2000 in the new system. Thanks for allowing me to be one of yours.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Craig, great to have you on my WA crew, sorry for the delay, there are lots of cool members of the WA family I still need to get linked up with again.
jatdebeaune Premium
You still have me. Too bad the buddies weren't imported to the new system. Wonder why? I often feel closer to my friends than certain family members. They are your soul family. You don't have to be related by blood.
Jamie Smith Premium
Gotta have Joan on my crew, I linked you up again right away. You are awesome.