Its good to be back!

Last Update: June 06, 2010

 Oh wow! July 2007 seems like a lifetime ago!!

I have been somewhat busy and life has taken the odd very unexpected turn in the last 3 years but as I have always maintained things happen for a reason and I know that what is meant to be is meant to be.

My skills have changed somewhat over the past few years I have become a bit of a dab hand with a few things one I am proud of is my video skills, and have managed to get a few campaigns go more than just viral clocking up 1 million views on a single campaign for a golf product!

I have to say that the layout of the site has completely changed since I was last here (thanks Kyle and Carson re education time) so it may take me a few days to find my way around but I hope to talk to a number of you in the coming weeks and share as well as learn a whole bunch of new skills!

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LucyRN Premium
Sounds like you've done a lot, 1 million views is a far away dream to me right now! Just curious, but why did you leave WA?