Why I Killed The Affiliate Truth

Last Update: June 07, 2010

Way back when I started internet marketing I was as many people are under the impression that the best way to make money was to sell the idea of making money to other people. Around the same time I started a blog called The Affiliate Truth! And for a time the blog was updated daily with different ways to promote websites, ideas on new niche areas, information and tips on building a successful website and on occasion my garbled ramblings!

Since then a lot has changed for me, I have been involved in a number of very successful product launches, I designed my own physical product and launched it, I also have a number of ebooks and membership websites that are doing quite nicely. The one thing all of these have in common is that none of them sell or even talk about internet marketing or making money online. Now don't get me wrong when The Affiliate Truth was up and running I used to make a nice earning from it, but there is so much more to life than trying to outwit other marketers within this niche.

I noticed a post on the forum that I posted to when I was last a  member of WA regarding a well known marketer being full of brown smelly stuff. The post unfortunately had not been killed and was still going strong and going into detail about how other well known marketers were spamming their lists. Well there is one very important thing to remember here, marketing to your list is a permission based marketing method. This means that if you are getting loads of emails from a marketer you don't want, you click the unsubscribe link at the bottom and they all stop coming! I did this a few months ago and killed off all the ones that just send out the same old stuff all the time in the hope that someone will buy. Now I have a quieter inbox and I have only the marketers I know personally or trust and have met professionally face to face.

Trust is a huge factor in this industry and it takes time to build up that trust, one of the reasons I came back to WA was because I have spent a lot of time getting to know some of the longer term members on this site and I was more curious to the new information that two very talented individuals had to offer inside. 

I do have one disappointment though and it is the same reason I shut down The Affiliate Truth, marketers in the environment they feel they know most about will push their point even if they are blatantly wrong. I was a few years back working on the launch of a new niche Gambling website and extremely busy, I had an email through the AT (Affiliate Truth) website telling me my videos on the Wordpress installation were wrong and I was misleading people. Now over the past 5 years I have become a good friend of Wordpress and I am on the Alpha testing team for any new releases that come along, so I know a little about it. I went and checked that the videos I had created on how to install, set up a theme and install a plugin were as correct as they could be. They were spot on, in fact I had forgotten how accurate they actually were.

I replied to the person in question who replied straight away with "Welcome to Wordpress ....... Tutorial website!" Now this I wouldn't have minded but the guy didn't even bother to reply to me to answer the questions I had regarding what he thought was wrong with the videos. What followed was a whole bunch of spamming comments on the blog designed to put down the videos. Not only was this bad marketing on his part but it was also frustrating for me as those tutorials were there as a guide nothing more.

So when the domain came around for renewal I decided to save my money and walk away from the stress. A few months later I helped a friend launch the most successful Wordpress Tutorial website on the web which was all the satisfaction I needed when it came to any form of revenge.

So my apologies if you were a regular user of that site and looking for the information that was on it but the timing and stupidity of one marketer is to blame for the removal of the site. I have not come back to WA to sell people things, if I am asked for advice and I give a link on occasion that link might well be an affiliate link but I will also post a non affiliate link, that way it is your decision if you think the information I have provided is good enough to get the commission then I would hope you would use the affiliate link if not then you are free to make that choice.

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