Link Wheel | Link Snake | Newbie Link Master

Last Update: February 14, 2010
Just a quick note since many of you have been wondering what I have been doing.

Been busy trying to keep up with various campaigns... you know the drill. In an effort to be a little more efficient with my article marketing efforts I have been experimenting with various spins on the "link wheel" or "link snake" methods.

 It is really to early to tell how things are going but I am seeing some positive results and spending almost no money.

I was thinking about adding this information to WA as a 4th in the "Newbie" series. I have it almost done but do have some reservations about how it will be received. Link wheels are nothing new and their value is now being question because of the feared "Google Slap" for a self created network of backlinks.

I have made a condensed version as a power point presentation and have posted it on my blog here if you would like to take a look at it. Of course the WA tutorial version would be more complete and have no affiliate links. Let me know what you think and if I should complete the project for the training center.

The "Newbie" series has been based around direct linking with a forwarded domain which is quick and easy and although results can be realized, there is only so much you can do with that method.  Time to move to using article marketing methods to promote one's own blog or domain, build a list and improve ROI.

You also have the option of  changing your domain forwarding and pointing to your blog or just hosting it as an actual domain,  all your previous work can now be used to direct traffic to your lander adding list building to your tactics.

Although I am not very good at it I have been having some fun learning how to use power point, audacity, and camtasia, combining those  efforts into slide presentations and videos for marketing purposes. A new traffic medium for me and as you know, you can never get enough traffic sources!

Well that is all for now so I better spell check this before I post it or I will be making you gag!

I just learned that Avatar is actually the sequel to The Titanic... remember at the end of The Titanic all the people turned blue?


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Hi Bob!

As you know I am a big fan of yours and you have always been extremely helpful with me. You definitely have my vote for this forth instalment to the Newbie series.

Keep us posted with how it goes!!
