Street Articles is Wacky... But Gota Luv'em

Last Update: June 27, 2011

Haven't submitted to SA for a while... skipped the whole 30 day challenge thing... to many IM goals and tasks to keep up with.

However, had an idea for an article couple of days ago and wrote it up one evening and submitted half of it to SA as "Part 1." "Part 2" I published on my site.

The links in the SA article pointed to "Part 2" on my site...duh!

This began my many SA article REJECTIONS!

I was rejected by both auto and human editors...

I was beginning to feel like a turd in a punch bowl.

I was rejected for having more than 31 letters in italics??? How do they come up with that number?

For having improper sentence and paragraph structure...haunted by my 7th grade English teacher?

Here is one... not having a quality landing page, not enough content... less than 250 words (actually had over 320). Quality score???

Oh... and I am not allow to encourage the reader to click on links with phrases like "click here" etc.

I can't remember all the reasons... they were coming at me 3 or 4 at a time!

Almost forgot... anchor text can't be more than 4 (or is it 3) words... so much for my long-tail-keyword training at WA!

Anyway I was felling a bit sarcastic and thought I would try one more edit and added some content to let them know how I felt... in a nice kind of way, after all they were just going to reject it again any ways... added some to my lander for them also.

Guess what... they accepted it!

They must at least have a sense of humor!

I am not complaining and this isn't a rant (OK maybe a little) but it just seems a bit ridiculous at times.

The bright side is all this took less than 48hrs and I must say, at least they communicate why the rejections and not like some other sites.

I would like to invite you to check it out by clicking on this link (just had to do that!)

SA is wacky but you gota luv'em!

3 cheers for SA!!!

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kyle Premium Plus
Damn SA...jerks have a bunch of rules. Once you learn them though, life will be easy and I think you will really enjoy using the system. We have some really awesome updates coming to which I think you are all going to appreciate! :)
thadbong Premium
Glad to hear from you guys about this. I think SA is great for getting some link diversity and it's definitely an up and comer, perhaps it will even rival the big boys in the near future! I don't doubt that at all. I do think that there are some newer ones on here in WA that don't really appreciate the nuances of SA vs EZA vs the rest, and for them I think it should be said that if you're looking for views, CTR and targeted leads, you're better off submitting more articles to the established article directories compared to SA at the moment.
jatdebeaune Premium
I like both articles Bob. Well done. I think the note at the end of SA article is funny. My criticism of all article directories, not just SA, is that by attempting to get authors to tow a strict line, they sometimes cut into originality of expression. I often find myself worrying if this or that is allowed, and it inhibits me a little. I know they want articles to be informative. That I can buy. I think, if you want to say "to read more" that's just fine. I believe 3 words for anchor text works. I just checked one of my articles for SA to see if it's been indexed, and it came up under Street Articles and the actual category and led to a page in SA of all articles under that category. I think it should have opened on the article itself. People looking for that particular article, will be confused. This is new at SA. Don't understand it.
klrrider Premium
@thadbong...I not sure about what they are at the moment but I am sure they will be a contender in the future. But they sure are fussy... and faaast to review providing reasons for declines. Maybe one day they will measure up to your standards and be useful to you. I have high views and low ctr with them. Most likely me and my writing but I am doing better with ctr at other directories. I feel it is the fault of content links instead of resource box and the power of being able to use a good "call to action.' As far as the emperor... never met him! lol
thadbong Premium
Wouldn't waste my time. SA has a long way to go before it even comes close to being a proper article directory. Sorry to say this, I know everyone's toe-ing the line in terms to SA loving but hey, someone's got to point out that the emperor is wearing no clothes ;)