Street Aticles Google Slapped?

Last Update: July 07, 2011

All my articles in SA have been running 2nd to 4th page till this week... now they have taken a nosedive... even new submissions are toast. This could be tempory but it dosen't look like it since it is completely across the board for over 25 articles.

In March... articles.jpg" height="344" width="381" /> 

Now (July)... Articles.jpg" height="318" width="450" />


I have backlinked some of these so we will see what comes of it.

I was using a service called 3 way links for my Word Press Blogs but canceled the service last month. Since the links have disappeared from the index most of my sites are doing better but some have droped seriously.

One thing I have learned is that Google likes some themes better than others. One theme I was using wasn't getting any indexing for the internal pages. I changed to another without changing any plugins or anything and immediately improved in the rankings the next time I was indexed.

Sorry for the spelling errors but was in a hurry... took a break from my "honey do" list... back on my head!




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feitan17 Premium
sadly, it happened to me too
craig131 Premium
Yes Google is making some changes, Kyle mentioned this on the forum recently:

Hopefully it will be figured out soon.