First blog by admin user on 7th Sept 2023 section

Last Update: September 07, 2023

I gotta tell ya, I've had my fair share of sleepless nights from worrying over issues that were beyond my control... the tax returns I had forgotten to file lol, my daughter’s first disappointment, the thought of speaking in front of others, a slow week of activity in business, technology issues; you name it, I’ve lost sleep over it.

Acknowledging it is half the battle won. Once you understand this pattern, you can start taking steps to deal with it. Learn to pause and reflect, understand that tomorrow carries its own burdens, and night-long worrying won't aid in lifting them.

I stopped working for a client. Too much stress, not having time to rest, I went to sleep tense and so I woke up, I was not present for my child, for a money gain that was not worth it. It's over - the change is already noticeable. I've been recovering for days and catching up with missed things.

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