A Plethora of possibilities

Last Update: January 31, 2012

I'm finding it a bit hard to focus these days.  My 70 hour work weeks continue but that leaves evenings open for IM.

Tonight I popped over to Google + and added some images.  I need to learn this platform and decide the best way to optimize this one.

Last night was a Pinterest marathon.  More time and energy needed here as well.  I do like the interface but showing all of the pages from those that I follow can be a bit overwhelming.  Thanks to all of you who are following me!

 For Christmas I got a new phone..... and a new bill.  But the point is that it is now possible to do more than Text and phone calls.  I grabbed a few free books that I haven't read in a long time and have been filling my free moments getting to know some old friends.  I've re-read Treasure Island, Tales of the Rue Morgue and 1001 Arabian Nights, as well as the Biography of Benjamin Franklin (Among other things he was a writer, who knew). I have also downloaded some light reading (by Charles Darwin) on the Origin of the Species as I've always wanted to  read through the actual text.  Not sure when this one will perc to the top.

K9 training progresses well with Gracie now as Elphie didn't have the chops for the Search and Rescue stuff. It's tough to start over with another dog but my new team has a new K9 coordinator that has fielded 4 dogs in the past and is a wealth of information.  Gracie is benefiting from his experience.  I'm thrilled to have his experience available as well.

I had a feeling that Gracie would have the brains and drive for something like this when she was tested at 8 weeks.  It's nice to know that the Puppy Aptitude Test is so accurate.

I took Barbara's advice and bought the Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords.  The Like new used edition was only  82 cents so I figured even if it wasn't worthwhile I wasn't out much.  So far it has some problems.  It's talking about Overture(Yahoo obsoleted this tool) and a few other older tools.  I need to check on the rest of their resources to see how current they are.  I think I've seen most of this before, where?  At WA of course.  I think the resource is called Beating AdWords.  So, even though it was recommended by someone here, I'm not sure how much new information this book will provide but again, I'm not out much for the resource and it's a good review.

 That's all for now.

 Comments are welcome.

Craig H.


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jchilders Premium
Before I got to the end, I was wondering why you didn't just read Beating Adwords if you were looking for PPC info. :)