Applying WAbinars to the real world

Last Update: February 20, 2012

There are some things that I have been meaning to do.  Several of them require FTP and fortunately Jay stepped up to the plate and filled in the blanks for me.

 So, what did I do?

First and foremost, one of my sites was languishing with an old WordPress installation.  I have tried unsuccessfully to do a standard upgrade and failed miserably.  My recourse was to FTP the files to the site and then update the database to get the installation completed.

Jay to the rescue.  He answered my question and provided me with the necessary information to complete this task.

So, now that this task is done I can get busy with the reworking of this site to make it more desirable to my readers.

What else?  Well, I don't have the need anymore as I found another way around this problem but the FTP knowledge that we gained in the WAbinar will probably help me to get things working with Google's Webmaster Tools.  I can see the need to upload Sitemaps and install the code required to verify my sites.  If I have difficulties in this regard using the automatic tools.  I can now just put the files where I need them.

One note:  Jay uses Filezilla.  I grabbed a copy of that but found that I needed some information that I didn't have.  Soooo, I checked to see what I used last time I needed to do this stuff and found a copy of  Core FTP lite.  This had all of the settings that I needed so I cheated and used this FTP client to get the job done.

If you are having trouble with Filezilla, give this other program a try.  It also is free so no need to get out your credit card.

 Thanks for another enlightening WAbinar Jay.  One more tool in the box.

 Craig H.  (TOC- the other Craig)

 One thing you missed was how to set the codes to be writeable.  I know you have covered this in other WAbinars, and "I" have figured this out but others may find the need for this knowledge.  Perhaps you might drop a quick note into the follow up?  Anyone..?  Bueller?  Bueller?

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