Black Wednesday

Last Update: January 18, 2012

In a minute Google will no longer be dark, Wikipedia will give us all the answers and all the other sites that tried to get our elected representatives to listen will go back to business as usual.

 If you haven't contacted your representative about this  Pop over to Daniel's page and grab the link to send a missive to your Senator's and Representatives.  They NEED to hear from you.  Chuck Shumer will have me on the list as will Ms. Gilibrand.  I especially want to respond to my Senators as they appear to be sponsors of this disaster.

 So today its back to the business of IM.  With any luck we won't all be out of business next month.  If this does pass make sure that you cast your vote effectively in the Fall.  The one way we can influence these fat cats in DC is to cast our votes effectively.

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