Butterfly Season

Last Update: September 12, 2011

Yup, it's here again.  Time to collect those Caterpillars and get out the tagging equipment.

 So far this week has been a bit slow but I did have a good day today.

Went to give blood and they didn't have me on the schedule(Grrrr.) Got on the schedule an hour later so I went out looking for critters to kill the hour.  Found 5 on the first trip. Plus a Chrysalis already formed.

Went by the same patch of milkweed later and found 2 more.

Found 6 on my way home from work yesterday.  Not the huge numbers that I have seen in past years but still a decent showing for the year.I did find one before my trip to VT.  This one was a Chrysalis when I returned.

Check out my Squidoo page if you would like to join in the fun. (See my Spaces intro)


Update: 5 Chrysalis' and 8 more caterpillars today.  One is already darkening.  Perhaps a Butterfly by morning.

Yet another Update.  of 19 Caterpillars, all have converted to lovely Emerald Green Chrysalis' with little gold spots.  Two have emerged One last Monday, the second today.  One more looks to be ready in the morning.


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Labman_1 Premium
I give double red donations each time I'm able. Just one of those things that NEED to be done. Everyone should donate when able.
I think I'm up to 5 gallons now.
jatdebeaune Premium
The butterflies are so lovely. Glad you are helping them along. Were you giving blood or having a blood test?