Every day is an education

Last Update: March 23, 2012

Jay did a WAbinar.  If you haven't found them spend some time with them.  They are well worth the membership fee.

So, a few weeks ago Jay did one on Ninja SERP strategies.  Tonight's was an enhancement of this one.  I needed to follow his instructions and went back to the recording and tried to figure out how to add Stars to my IPad review site.  The instructions start at minute 17 if you want to skip over the introductory bit and jump right in with both feet.

Well, I was doing good, downloaded the .png files that have the stars on them, copied the Schema into my site, started changing the bits in the schema that need to be changed.  Got all the way down to tell the schema where the files reside.  Hmmm, I put them into the media folder in WordPress but what is the file location?  Here's where I got stuck.

It seems that I thought I was being smart and the site I was working on was NOT hosted at WA.  Silly me, this would have been easy if it was hosted here.  BUT NOoooo.  I had to be cute.  Tried to log on with the FTP software.  Not able to connect.  So I started searching my files to determine the missing or incorrect password.  Tried several with no luck.

****Lesson Learned*****  Keep track of your passwords, organize them as they are created****Store them somewhere safe****Make copies***Make backups****Make Hardcopies****

Tonight I finally was able to access.  I logged in to the CPanel at my Hosting account.  Navigated to the Sub-directory containing this site. (Yup, it was buried in a Sub-directory) moved the .png files into the right place.  This brings me up to the current time. 

Tomorrow, I have nothing else to do so I'm gonna get this thing working.  Tonight Jay provided a vital piece of information.  The one thing he forgot in the previous lecture was to connect the Schema to the Google+ account and vice versa.  He left out the vice versa last time.  

In fact, I've fixed it so that I can't do anything else.  My car was delivered to the repair shop just before Jay got going, so I can't leave even if I wanted to.  Well, I could hoof it but I'm doing a demo for some Civil Air Patrol recruits on Sunday so, I'll probably want to limit the use of my knee until then.

I'll let you know how it works out, OR check my IPadcoverreview.com site on Sunday to see if it is working.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Jay's WAbinars are so helpful. I like to review the techy stuff often. Repetition drives it home. You're right about every day being an education. Learning is constant here at WA. That's what I love about it.
I really like your title! Will review these classes. And the password organization and update is at the top of my list for the weekend...