
Last Update: October 11, 2010

I've been trying to get a website up.

I didn't think  it  would be this difficult but I seem to be stuck in a rut.

So I checked out a few programs to help me on my way.  Every day is a new challenge until I get through the first set of tasks.

 Found GIMP-  A Free Program to edit images. Kind of a steep learning curve but nothing is free, even a free program has its costs.  This one costs time.

Saw some nice stuff from Welshy on Animoto.  I'm gonna look at that one in more detail when I have a bit more experience.  Looks like it will add the WOW factor to my websites.( Thanks for that Welshy)

 Someone pointed me to for stock photos.  ( I think it was a post from Kent) Nice site of free pictures for use on your websites or wherever.

 OK enough of a break.  Back to writing Articles.



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magistudio Premium Plus
For editing images, have a look at as it's a free online image editing tool. I use it all the time.
ptcaesar Premium
The website buuilding thing sounds exciting. I can't wait to get to that point and the corresponding rounds of frustration. That would only mean progress. Right now, I am battling neck and knee pains which has hindered my progress. So if your health is good then count it all joy and with a little hard work, you will complete that task and go on your merry way towards your goals.
debb477 Premium
Hey. I know exactly where you are coming from. Everything is a huge learning curve unless you're a real teckie, which I'm not. I love Wordpress (I use my own hosting and wp setup). Don't give up. I find Istock Photo is more what I am looking for. It isn't free but the photos are great.

Good luck and if I can be of assistance, just give me a shout.
bkb2012 Premium
Hey there. bkb2012...Barbara here...checking in. Here's the tough thing with freebies..., they get you only so far...but don't forget to pull in Site Rubix. It's powerful but you'll want to study campaigns that flow well. Then..pull 1 site or 2 over to your site by using your own ideas. You want to zero in on the things people really can use and will pay for if it's Internet marketing, it will be blog setup, website creation, writing effective ad copy, and mastery autoresponders...stuff like that. I recommend you study Kevin Riley (at free levels) because he's very good at showing new folks how the IM works!
famousplumber Premium
There are free tools all over the place for site building. Freeware sites with graphics editors, video editors, HTML/CSS/JAVA SCRIPT tutorials and examples, KW tools, backlink tools, KW page % checking tools, ad infinitum. If you want some URL's, let me know.