Home again

Last Update: October 21, 2011

Well, after 3 weeks of 14 hour days and yet another visit to Vermont I'm finally home again.

Needed to sleep for about 2 days to catch up on the deprivation I experienced trying to get these machines running and delivered to the customer.  I made a whole bunch of money for my employer.

 They were nice enough to give me a 4 day weekend so if it ever stops raining I can actually get some prep work done for the white stuff that is due any day now.

At least the rain keeps me inside and at my 'puter.  So today I purchased another domain and will work my fingers to the bone for myself for 3 days.  Yup, gotta spend at least one day with the dog in the woods.  She is feeling really neglected.  I bet finding a subject or two will be just what she needs to get rid of some of her energy.

Tuesday I get to visit the hospital for a brain scan.  When I get out I can finally provide definitive proof that I don't have half a brain like my OH thinks.

 More later.

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